A universe of applications at your fingertips

From authoring notebooks to creating quick code snippets to sharing notebooks with your team, nteract has a solution for you. Our suite of applications, built on top of the core SDK, allow you to author and publish notebooks in the cloud and on the desktop.

The nteract Desktop App

The nteract desktop application allows you to quickly view, edit, and publish notebooks from your desktop. It's cross-platform, so you can use it on your favorite operating system. The desktop application is a great tool for first-time and veteran notebook users, alike.

Hydrogen for Atom

Hydrogen is an extension for the Atom code editor that allows you to run your code with an interactive REPL session with your language of choice. Get started with Hydrogen by installing it in your Atom editor.

apm install hydrogen


Have a lot of notebooks that you'd quickly like to preview and share with your team or the world. Deploy commuter, a simple application for listing, viewing, and sharing Jupyter notebooks stored in Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage, and more.

nteract play

nteract is not just about notebooks! Interactive experiences of all sorts are powerful for users. nteract play is a web app that allows you to execute code against a Binderinstance. nteract play is built using the nteract core SDK and is a great showcase for how you can use the SDK to build unique nteract-based apps.

The nteract Jupyter Extension

Coming to nteract from Jupyter Notebook or JupyterLab? Try out the nteract Jupyter extension! It runs in your Jupyter or JupyterHub server alongisde your other notebook UIs and allows you to work with notebooks in an nteract-style UI in a familiar environment.